hk: Hello world
hk: It works!!! Please keep the live chat cordial :)
hk: Formatting still needs to be fixed
hk: Am I talking to myself? Maybe a little
hk: seems just fine now. Yay!
hk2: testing multiple users
safari: Safari speaking to chrome
hk: chrome responding to safari
Hk: Working?
Hk: Noice
Hk: Still figuring out QA
Hk: iOS messaging
Aa: Hello
Aa: 😇
HK: Ah shoot, maybe I should make this
Nvd: This treat is on me!
hk: Thanks Nvd!
Nvd: Very less latency
Elon: Guess not 🥺
Elon: Oh there it is. Where is my other message
: Nice lol
: Ooo
1=1; SELECT * FROM users;: 🙂
hk: hahahahahahahahahahha
::::::::::::::::::::::: ðŸ¤
hk: yeah best of luck with that
Hk: coding sqlite impl now
hk: ah shoot I'll push validation logic tomorrow
hk: I suspect this isn't you Elon
Elon: It is me
hk: Alright Elon this is great
Bill Gates: I'm also here
hk: btw if formatting gets messed up just reload
Jeff Bezos: This is legit though. Live chat is awesome
hk: Is this Devin or Wouter LOLLL
🤠: <img src="" />
Alex timm : Yo
🎂: Darn
: Hamdaan
Javascript: alert('Hi Hamdaan');
: Who’s here
Hamdaan: me
: Who
D: E
hk: Goddamn do I need to add validation logic for people not using hk, and hamdaan too?
V: I
hk: ahahahahah Hi Devin
Devin: Yooooooooooo
Am: Yo
Devin: Yo
HK: Yoooo
HK: You need users so nobody can be _you_
hk: Next thing you know this is the new Silk Road
hk: but then people won't use this because nobody wants to make accounts
Devin: 😂😂😂😂😂 imagine waking up to somebody making this into a legit chatroom
hk: starts a cult by mistake
hk: I tired adding css dybamically here but god its brutal
Uncle Bob: "check out my discord at"
hk: Suddenly Heroku can't keep my chat, I switch to AWS
hk: story of every startup
DHH: You need to check out and use that for appending messages. It's amazing
hk: btw have you seen the too good to go marketing???
hk: I have Hotwire on radar for sure
hk: but yeah too good to go is showing up on my YouTube ads a lot
hk: makes me really want to push leftover again
CEO: Oh yes I've seen that. People at work have been using it. I keep thinking about leftover. Literally the same idea. You had it first
Rails Core Team: You still liking Rails?
🙀: Do you get notifications when I send a message?
hk: I do because thew admin panel is always open
hk: but I dont have it for every message because that would be spamming me too hard
hk: Especially considering the traffic ;)
hk: hey Rails Core team, yeah I love rails lol
anon: cool feature man. Well done
Hk: thank you!!
anon: Do you use a database to store the messages? I want to implement this on my portfolio too
hh: Hehehe niceee
d: Is this real time?
s: yeah it is
hk: I store in DB and broadcast right after on web socket connections on channel
anon: This is baller
hk: test
hk: Thank god working again
Hamdaan: live prod qa
Hamdaan: Thank god
ak: What database are you using
Hamdaan : Postgres
ak: Can you do this with mongodb?
Hamdaan: There's no real advantage for this usecase in using mongodb
hamdaan: but yes there should be no issues in using a nosql db either
Hamdaan: Daily Check In
Hamdaan: Still working :)
hk: night
Hamdaan: Prod Test
Hk: Check check
hk: live chat!!!!!
HK: Checking if this still works given I have Real Time Querying on the same server now
HK: It does, great :)
anon: Hows this holding up
hk: Pretty good!
hk: Live test
hk: working with minification!
hk: CHekc in prod
hk: monthly check
hk: still working fine ;)
hk: check time
hk: regualr check from a random client
client2: heyyaa client 1
hk: yo
client2: all real time
hk: yeah I see it
client2: you need to fix formatting incoming and outgoing messages for line breaks
hk: I've been meaning to for a while tbh
client2: Does your live query support multiple clients?
hk: yeah it does + multitenancy
hk: Monthly check
hk: works just fine
Taylor Swift: Where's my scarf Jake Gyllenhall
Jake Gyllenhall: Not with Me TAYLOR!
hk: Still working, let's go baby!
Lisa/jigyasa: Love your work.
hk: Thanks
hk: Regular prod check
hk: Im doing well today
hk: Might just use this like a diary at this point lol
hk: regularly checking my websocket work
hk: Daily check for websocket errors
hk: Still working fine hehe
Hk: lifes good, gonna finish coding this stuff over the summer. Yo boy is going to be a BTREE expert
hk: still chillin
hk: so umm guess im joining msft
hk: lol
HK: Weekly check on the health of the chat room
HK: 🤷 Honestly I should just call this page my diary 🤷
hk: monthly testing!
hk: working just fine
hk: ping
hk: pong
hk: Hey yall I finally will be writing C++ in production!!! LETS GOO!!
hk: cmake is hard
hamdaan khalid: life update! cmake is now a bit more understandable
hamdaan khalid: c++ has started to feel better but I feel like I need to do some more work in the networking realm and with boost libs
hamdaan khalid: Once I finish those I think I'm going to be at a significantly better spot for what it's worth
hk: this weekend was beyond frustrating, I spent so much freaking time fighting the compiler when the bug was rather obvious in my code
hk: statistics and data science is more fun when taught with programmming based intuitiion
hk: From now on I will be posting a random popular opinion here everyday-ish
hk: ah I need to write some protection to stop people from doing that ^
hk: quantity and quality are not zero sum
hk: gloang is so fun to code in! IT feels very minimal and helps get a better feel of engineering rather than ROR or SpringBoot and java imo
hk: sometimes i just cant debug azure man
hk: it gets tiring
hk: alright i had a solid weekend programming in x86_64 assembly :) im really happy wiht the work I put in
hk: finished coding a malloc impl in C today, good day :)
hk: today my on prem server shutdown :( i had a power outage and now my gateway public IP is different from before so all the links point to the wrong IP
hamdaan: to migrate from heroku or not to migrate.. that is the question
hamdaan: and migrate to where is the other question
jon: hello world!
hk: hahahh hi JOn
hk: Jon*
hk: Hello world indeed
hk: I dont think I want code random stuff anymore
hk: personal projects panel has been deprecated!
hk: writing my first big MSFT design doc, will be MIA for a bit
Fs: Hello. How's it going
Ek: Hello
hk: yeah papa wassup
KM: Test message: this is pretty cool.
hamdaan khalid: I still need to disable sending empty messages lol
hamdaan khalid: life is good I am building like a hundred different things, and it is sometimes overwhelming
hamdaan khalid: coding some stuff in C, some in Rust, and then some stuff with React Native
hk: Okay the next articles will be on implementing arrays, linked lists, and hashmaps
hk: then after that I will do an article on processes in linux systems and the process API
hk: finally got hardware I can record and stream videos on!
hk: wrote my first lexer
hk: its shite
hk: so freaking proud of this regex interpreter i wrote:
hk: I cant believe I actually understood automatas and built that. Super proud today
hk: gotta scale a read system, gut feeling is CQRS -> Read replication + Caching is going to be the need
hk: life's good, got furniture in canada today
hk: want to leave canada
hk: I think I will move to aus
rnd: hello
jon: yo hamdaan you still applying for OMSCS? I deferred to fall 2024 so we can be classmates
hk: hahahaha I'm tempted but I am trying to piggy back off of ya and learn without the tuition
hk: today was a hard day but head up rockstar
hk: lol im about to see all people from work here
hk: if youre from msft, hi
hk: Wrote lua, I hated it
hk: would rather write the EnvoyFilter with WASM and rust
hk: okay cool so I finally understand RDP and CFG grammar for LL based langs
hk: Time to get back into writing code for the http client based on RFC!!!
rs: I would also rather write the EnvoyFilter with WASM and rust
rs: wow this is cool