You know that really fun feature #Uber and #Lyft offer where you see real time updates of drivers as they move? Or that feature that #Apple's FindMyFriends offers where you track locations in real time? I built that over the past few weeks! I went from system design on my whiteboard/window to coming up with my stateless solution that I feel really happy about. I am using #PublishSubscribe Pattern with #Websockets, #Redis for geo querying (chose redis for ease of scaling), and your browser's #geolocation api to provide real time location tracking that is limited to those who you want to share with and/or track. All location data is expired from the cache within 500 seconds if not updated based on your permission, your location data is only shared with those whom you share your custom URL built with unique identifiers with (this was my cute little way of reducing bounce rate from registration and traditional authentication. Currently phone sensors are giving me issues with permission but this works flawlessly with browsers.
Linkedin does not offer a way to schedule posts, and I wanted one to schedule posts to share my articles on linkedin at peak hours. So I built my own scheduling service integrated with this application, for better outreach. Using Postgres, Ruby, Rails, Redis, ActiveJob, and Linkedin API's I now have the ability to do so. I wrote an in-depth article on the implementation here: You can find the code for this project inside the overall code for this entire project here:, under internal namespaces.
Live video, audio, streaming and live chat room application built on Node js, and Web RTC using PeerJS to stream videos peer to peer. The live chat was built on top of websockets to provide bi-directional communication between client and server. The app is hosted on app engine by Google Cloud platform, but I might transfer it to sit on top of Heroku one day along with this application :) Here's a YouTube live demo:
Used Flask, Postgres, (HTML+CSS+JS), Docker, to create a web-app to connect grcoery store surpluse for budget constrained consumers, while mitigating grocery store loss. I also conduct my own market & customer research, along with the marketing at local food banks and stores. At the peak I had a food bank actually use my application for their users. I eventually stopped to take a more hands on approach to this problem. I built a latter version using Ruby on Rails, Postgres, and React as well.
During Covid my mother's boutique saw a decrease in customers, and one of the major problems was she could not tailor clothes without measurements. I created a SASS application for boutiques to use to send URL's to client, which would then let clients take their pictures in 3 different angles, after the pictures were taken a custom algorithm written by me, that relied on geometry, identification of joints, and image distance based scaling to return accurate measurements for upto 9 different types of measurements. All the business logic was on the client side, and to manage business requirements I deployed my web app as a static page and then displayed the main UI via an Iframe from inside a wix website that would handle payments. I wrote the application in vanilla javascript, and it was a wonderful experience, I even had 4 boutiques subscribed to me at one point.
Full stack web application along with admin panel and CRUD functionality to list properties in turkey for Indian citizens to buy and gain residency of Turkey. I built this for free for someone else, and the attached URL hosts a shell of the original website without real listings, or clients. The web app was built using Python, Django, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Sqlite. I deployed it to digital ocean along with gunicorn for running multiple processes on a single server without increasing the clients costs.